Here is the THIRTEENTH chapter of the camperization process, where we show you how we make the KITCHEN FURNITURE FROM SCRATCH! We continue with the furniture in the van. In a camper there are a thousand ways to organize the furniture, here we bring you what we chose, we think it gives enough space and is very comfortable, although the sink and the burners are separated, the distance in a tiny house is always short! The option of installing a butane cylinder seemed to us the most comfortable and economical option, since the only thing that works with gas is the stove and the cylinder can last us up to 4 months using it only for cooking 🙌 With this video we hope to answer your questions about how to carry out this process, but if you have something left unsaid, do not hesitate to ask us in the comments. 🌼SEE YOU AROUND THE WORLD! 🌻 KEEP CAMPER 🕉️ #vanconversion #camper #restoration #kitchenfurniture #anchorfurniture #anchorcamperfurniture #camperkitchen #coolzone #beko #campersink #camperization #vanlife #fiatducato #caravan #naturelovers