#Sea waves #ocean #sailboat - this #film is about the people who were the first to cross the Atlantic and populate the new uninhabited continent - North America. According to Wikipedia: The Pilgrim Fathers are the name of the first settlers who arrived to create a new colony in North America. Plymouth Colony (now Plymouth, Massachusetts), founded in 1620, became the first English settlement with a permanent population and the first large settlement in New England, the second successful English settlement (after Jamestown, Virginia, founded in 1607) in the territory of the modern United States. Being deeply religious people, the settlers of the Plymouth Colony were distinguished by Puritan morals and commitment to traditions. Some of their traditions have become an integral part of American culture; These include the custom of celebrating Thanksgiving Day (first celebrated by the Pilgrims in New Plymouth in 1621). The story of the Pilgrim Fathers, who migrated overseas in search of religious freedom, has become central to the history and culture of the United States of America. In 1620, the Puritans received land rights in North America from the Virginia Company on the condition of labor. The company paid for their passage. On the ship Speedwell, they sailed from Holland to England. In Southampton, they were joined by another group of settlers on the Mayflower. On August 15, both ships sailed for Plymouth, but it soon turned out that Speedwell was not suitable for ocean sailing. Its passengers transferred to the Mayflower. On September 16, 1620, the ship, with 102 people on board, set out to sea. Thanks to: @cyprus_online for supporting the project and providing materials @Marangoucake - for financial support @SnS_Film - editing and sound Dutch Tilt Studios - reconstruction Delfshaven 1620 Andy Orr (Bark Europa) Creative Commons License – Attribution: @Lenzp - Sailing with Götheborg - video of the sailboat @avgeeks - America's First Thanksgiving (video sequence) @footageforyou1650 - clock (footage)