In this video, Dr. Irada Imnova will talk about how emotions and psychological factors affect health and can cause cancer. She will also share tips on how to reduce the risk of developing cancer with the help of psychological support. Make an appointment with Dr. Irada Imanovna: ???? https://lnk.bio/eto.ne.prosto.tak ???? Link to this video: • Why do people get cancer? Why onco... ???? Link to the article: https://bizneskar.com/az/saglam-heyat... Follow "Healthy Life" on other social networks: ???? https://lnk.bio/saglam.hayat ✍️ Sign up for an interview: https://000.az/bizneskar-guest ???? Music: Use the music from this video in your video: https://000.az/brm If you don't want to buy music directly, get over 90,000 music and sound effects from us at a reasonable price: https://000.az/music-for-video #cancer #oncology #cancertreatment #cancerprevention #alternativecancertreatment #psychosomaticsofdiseases #psychosomaticsofcancer #tumor #chemotherapy #cancer #interview #iradaimanova #doctor In this video, you will find answers to questions such as: How to treat cancer? Is there an alternative cancer treatment? Why doesn't everyone get cancer? What is oncology remission? How to treat a tumor? Is cancer a death sentence? How did Dr. Irada Imanova treat cancer? Is it possible to treat cancer with Yoga? How does yoga help treat cancer? The main symptoms of cancer. How to recognize oncology? How to defeat cancer? Modern methods of cancer treatment? Methods of non-surgical cancer treatment? 00:00 Announcement 01:05 What is oncology? 02:04 How does cancer appear? 02:55 What stages of cancer are there? 03:28 Are there statistics on which types of cancer are the most common? 11:52 Do cancer medications help? 13:25 What are the early signs of cancer? 17:52 Healthy eating and cancer 24:11 Everyone has grievances, but not everyone gets cancer? 24:40 What does cancer feed on? 26:00 Is cancer like a mushroom or a parasite? 29:10 Why do children get cancer? 30:50 How does chemotherapy affect a person? 34:38 What does gluten affect? How to eat right? 35:48 Is cancer a death sentence? 38:20 How to prevent cancer? 41:20 Why do people cling to life? 46:02 At what stage can yoga practice be used to treat cancer? 48:34 Benign and Malignant Cancerous Tumors 53:22 Why does cancer come back? 54:10 How can yoga practices treat cancer? 57:14 Meditation for cancer treatment? 58:52 How does group yoga help in cancer treatment?