It wasn't long before we started doing our own business. When I came to work in my second year in trucking, I wanted to work with my own truck. We started the process of finding a truck. I looked at the trucks that could be in the current condition and the trucks on the market from the company, after doing my research, I found the Freightliner Cascadia 2019 Midroff truck that the company suggested to me to be in good condition, suitable for me in terms of price, mileage and year, so I made an offer for this truck that you see in the video. After agreeing on the price, I bought my truck. We felt happy and proud when we did our own business. I share what I learned by sharing our labor and work on the Youtube platform; knowledge increases as it is shared, we aim to move forward to a proud tomorrow by doing its due together, and to do good work as an example. I am grateful for being with me on my journey, enjoy... You can send me a message on Instagram for your questions about America... I answer all questions.. You can reach me by writing RasitAydin.. Subscribe: https://www.google.com/search?client=... Social Media: Instagram ► rasitaydin / rasitaydin E-Mail [email protected]