Today I'm sharing the system I'm using with my kids to get them more involved in household chores here at home. I'm showing them each one's list of responsibilities, the stick system, and how it's been working so they can do everything without me telling them to do it or asking them to do it. Chore system starts at minute 4:26 How I control TV time at home: • How I reduce TV viewing in my house Rule... How to keep the house always tidy: • 10 Tips to keep the house always tidy... Jordan Page's video: • Summer systems for chores, screens, a... ---------------------------------------- WELCOME! Personal Instagram: @lua_zevedo Facebook: /LuAzevedoCanal My blog: https://nicolandoporai.wordpress.com/ My work: Website: www.lalelilolustudios.com Instagram: @lalelilolu_studios Brazilian store: http://www.tanlup.com/lalelilolustudios Etsy store: https://www.etsy.com/ca/shop/Lalelilo...