Many people have problems connecting to the internet with their WIFI Router abroad, but it is actually a ridiculously small detail that determines whether you have internet or not during your trip abroad. in this video you will learn how to set your router to accept connection abroad, also called Roaming But with my WIFI Router I have a constant internet connection no matter where I am, the advantages are many and you don't have to use your smartphone for internet sharing Here you can find you a lot of videos from trips, experiences and good advice and tips that can make your camping life a little more fun or exciting. Feel free to share your adventures, Life in a Motorhome is meant to be shared with others :) The router that I use, and have had mounted in the car for over 3 years now, is an Alcatel which is unfortunately sold out and seems to be out of production. But I found and tried a TP-Link M7200 which I link to here : https://amzn.to/3LncWuV There will soon be a new Video about this Router Kindly // Johnny Husbilskanalen ———————————— ————————————————————— www.husbilskanalen.se / husbilskanalen ———————————————————— ————————————— #husbilskanalen #spain #KABE #husbilliv #husbil #RVtrips #Camping