Machiko lives with her family in Tokyo. Together with her mother, she prepares the bento box for lunch. A bento box is a storage container with different compartments that you take to the office, school or kindergarten. In Japan, a bento is a meal made up of different ingredients. Typical ingredients are rice, vegetables, fish or meat. Afterwards, her father takes Machiko to kindergarten, where she plays with her friends and does an earthquake drill. All the children know exactly what to do in an emergency. Afterwards, Michiko goes shopping in town with her brother and mother and from a high-rise building they have a great view of the whole of Tokyo. At the end there is a Japanese dinner. ???? Leave a like if you liked the video! -------------------------------------------------------------- ???? More about the elephant in the media library: https://www.ardmediathek.de/elefant ???? To the page with the elephant for children: https://www.wdrmaus.de/elefantenseite/ ???? To the page with the elephant for parents: https://www.wdrmaus.de/elefantenseite... ???? To the app with the elephant: in the Google Playstore: https://play.google.com/store/apps/de... in the App Store: https://apps.apple.com/de/app/derelef... ----- This film was produced in 2019. All statements and facts correspond to the status at that time and have not been updated since then. The show with the elephant is a format aimed at preschool children. This means: Certain functions such as comments are not available for these videos. #Tokyo #Japan #TheElephant #BentoBox #Earthquake