The next episode of the program “Matrix of Science” was aired on the TV channel “Saint Petersburg”. The story tells about what cancer is and what modern technologies for its treatment are available to residents of Saint Petersburg and all over Russia. Specialists from the MIBS Oncology Clinic and the first clinical Center of Proton Therapy in Russia, which has been operating in Saint Petersburg since the end of 2017, will talk about the advantages of each method of radiation treatment for cancer: high-precision radiation therapy https://radiosurgery.ldc.ru/luchevaya... ; radiosurgery on the Gamma Knife https://radiosurgery.ldc.ru/gamma-knife ; and Cyber Knife https://radiosurgery.ldc.ru/kiber-noz... ; a unique method of proton therapy http://protherapy.ru/protonnaya-terapiya You will see modern high-tech world-class equipment in operation, which helps to defeat cancer, and you will also be able to look inside the unique proton therapy complex. If you watched this video while searching for the best cancer treatment methods, we offer you a remote consultation to determine the possibility and approximate cost of treatment at the MIBS Oncology Clinic or the Proton Therapy Center. Go to the remote consultation page: https://radiosurgery.ldc.ru/zaochnaya...