"Patient School" is an educational project of the "Not in Vain" Foundation for people who have encountered oncological diseases. Our goal is to provide verified and understandable information about the disease and treatment methods and to ensure that patients understand what to do at each stage of receiving medical care. In this lesson, Ksenia Kisurina, a graduate of the Higher School of Oncology, talks about radiation therapy, its potential effectiveness, the consequences of treatment and possible side effects. You will learn about the timing and need for recovery after radiation therapy, the treatment procedure and much more. 0:22-1:54 — What is radiation therapy and how does it work 1:55-4:29 — How to prepare for radiation therapy 5:30-5:35 — What to expect during treatment 5:36-6:10 — How long does treatment last 6:11-7:20 — Side effects of radiation therapy and when to expect them 7:21-8:14 — How to deal with side effects 8:15-9:05 — What I should know about the course of treatment. What to talk about with the doctor 9:05 — Answers to the most popular questions about radiation therapy The project was created with funds from a grant named after Andrey Pavlenko Foundation "Not in vain": VKontakte: vk.com/nenaprasno Facebook: facebook.com/nenaprasno Instagram: instagram.com/fond_nenaprasno Free consultations for cancer patients "Just ask": ask.nenaprasno.ru