Many people have asked a lot about the exhaust pipe and the oil catch tank. Here it is!! If you like it, please like and share to encourage the team. Please comment and criticize. It doesn't matter. Thank you. 👇 Inquiry Order Appointment 👇 💬 Facebook: Siam-motorsport . ** Order retail ** 💬 Facebook: Siam-motorsport 🧡 Shopee: siam_motorsport 📩 Line @siam5 (put @ in front) or click to add this link https://lin.ee/v7wrRk8 📞 Call 094-689-0354 or 082-353-0097 . ** Apply to be a dealer ** 📩 Line @siam3 (put @ in front) or click to add this link https://lin.ee/6u3qtHK 📞 Call 085-162-3789 . Open Monday - Saturday Time 9.00-17.00 hrs. . 📍 Shop location Google map Siam Motorsport Import & Export Co., Ltd. https://goo.gl/maps/RJrKiPvqaaRiszXC7