Amateur radio operators try to use their radios to make contact with other radio amateurs. The radio operators appreciate the informal contact with each other. Anyone who knows the CB radio terms belongs to the tight-knit worldwide circle of shortwave radio operators on Elmeter band. [«Bericht vor acht» from August 6, 1976] The official archive channel of Swiss Radio and Television SRF: Take a journey through time and discover archive gems from over half a century! SRF Archive on srf.ch 👉 https://www.srf.ch/sendungen/archiv SRF Archive on YouTube 📱 / srfarchiv Subscribe to SRF Archive on YouTube 📱 https://www.youtube.com/SRFArchiv?sub... SRF Archive on Facebook 👥 https://fb.com/srfarchiv ______ Netiquette and User Generated Content (UGC): ► https://www.srf.ch/hilfe/rechtliches/... #srfarchiv #hobbyfunker #jedermanfunk