Sometimes you are missing out on great opportunities because of your lack of availability. Even if you are not prepared, when you are available, doors begin to open and you begin to be seen. There is a secret to be revealed in this message that will make you advance to the next level. This message is part of the Casa de Destino Ministry, which is dedicated daily to transforming lives through the preaching of the word. Contribute to the Ministry so that it can reach even more lives. All funds raised will be allocated to evangelistic projects so that more people are saved and transformed by the Gospel of Christ. Make your offering: CASA DE DESTINO PIX: 29321789000164 Bank account Banco Itaú Agency: 1268 Account: 38508-3 CNPJ: 29.321.789/0001-64 Virada do Destino: https://casadedestino.com.br/viradado...