Thales of Miletus is considered the first philosopher. You may know the Thales Circle from mathematics, that is the same Thales. Of course, there were wise people in Egypt, Babylon and India before Thales. The Vedas, for example, are ancient texts in which philosophical ideas are recorded. Buddha draws from Hindu philosophy and establishes Buddhism, which spreads in Asia. Enlightenment is a central concept of Buddha. Philosophical movements also arise in China, namely Daoism and Confucianism. But this is about Western philosophy and Thales marks its birth. Thales replaces myth with logos. Before that, the world was explained by myths. That is, stories of the gods about the origin of nature and man. These existed all over the world. Thales, however, does not believe in the old stories. He follows logos, that is, reason. No wonder, because he is also a mathematician. And in mathematics he can independently arrive at insights using reason. And with mathematics as a model, he now tries to explain the whole world sensibly and scientifically... Sources: dtv-Atlas Philosophy Wikipedia