Video in collaboration with @intercity_train4511 It was a beautiful morning that I will never forget, in Bologna Centrale, on Friday 3 June 2022. Most of the video will feature high-speed trains with digressions from Regional and Intercity Sun & Night trains. I won't go on any further and I wish you good viewing. I thank Marco C. very much for the company he offered me during the filming. Video recorded with Xiaomi Redmi Note 10 Pro, edited with Movie Maker on PC. INSTAGRAM @adam_e494 https://instagram.com/adam_e494?igshi... INSTAGRAM @highspeedtrain_fanpage https://instagram.com/highspeedtrains... #bologna #italy #bolognacentrale #trenitalia #highspeed #youtube #treni #2022 #train #zug #highspeedtrain #highspeedrailways #photography #trainspotting #trainspotter #trainspotters #home #bolognaitaly #railway #railwayphoto #railwayphotography #railways