There are hidden tax traps in the world of property rental. From correctly declaring rental income to selling your property - there is a lot to consider! Professional advice is essential. We can help you. Arrange a consultation here: https://www.steuernmitkopf.de/online-... 00:00 Introduction 00:44 Correctly declaring rental income 02:02 Deductible costs 04:57 Rental subject to sales tax 06:58 Speculation tax 07:46 Losses 08:51 Tip: Long-term planning ???? Commercial property trading • Commercial property trading, do ... ???? Airbnb playlist • Airbnb ???? Online courses & books: https://www.steuernmitkopf.de/ ???????? Join our team! https://www.siroc-steuerberatung.de/j... ???????? Arrange online tax advice with our partner law firm SIROC: https://www.steuernmitkopf.de/online-... ______________________________________________________ Also check out (live and always up to date): Instagram: https://bit.ly/2YZJjdB Facebook: https://bit.ly/3b4nXAo Facebook group: https://bit.ly/2YGbYE0 Twitter: https://bit.ly/2QxxPt1 YouTube: https://bit.ly/3gCKVzN ______________________________________________________ Recommendations (we use them ourselves): Tax tips for Bitcoin & Co.: https://amzn.to/38c02wt * Tax tips for influencers: https://amzn.to/2Mcq5e9 * Tax tips for private investors: https://amzn.to/3ldLJ62 * Reserve from Steuern mit Kopf: https://bit.ly/3blXKwV * Software recommendation for accounting: Lexoffice https://bit.ly/3DoKgiG * ______________________________________________________ Financial whispers: https://www.finanzgefluester.de/ ______________________________________________________ Contact: Note: Please send inquiries for individual tax advice directly via https://www.steuernmitkopf.de/online-... - digital appointment scheduling 24 hours a day. Business inquiries can be sent via [email protected]. ______________________________________________________ NOTE: The video does not in any way represent professional tax advice and does not replace it. *The links in the video description are affiliate links that help Steuern mit Kopf to finance this channel.