"Kenji Kuroda" is a multi-angler who is familiar with sea bass and black porgy fishing in his hometown of Lake Hamana while participating in the JB TOP50 series, the highest tournament in Japan. The field is Saemyoura Dam in spring, with the temperature forecast to rise to nearly 25°C during the day. With driftwood and other floating objects scattered around, he searches at a good tempo with a jerkbait Bantam MD Zamberno 115 to find out the season. The early morning was quiet and dark clouds were hanging over the area, but "Kenji Kuroda's killer rig" broke through that. The reaction was extraordinary, and every time he shot at a floating object, he got a series of strong bites. It was ferocious enough to draw out a monster bite. Furthermore, this rig is a perfect match for the Hard Bull, and even if you hook a fish among driftwood or wild roses, you can fight it without fear of line breaks. It was truly a performance worthy of the name "hard". Keep an eye out for "Kenshi Kuroda x Hard Bull". Shimano ⇒ http://fishing.shimano.co.jp/ Kenshi Kuroda Official Instagram ⇒ https://www.instagram.com/kenshikurod... #shimano #KenshiKuroda #Hard Bull ▼Please subscribe to the "Lure News.TV" channel! / lurenewstv ▼Register for Lure News.TV channel membership from the URL below! / @lurenewstv What happens when you become a member of Lure News.TV? You can watch DVD content released by Lure News and exclusive content that you can't see anywhere else! Content is updated regularly!・Vish https://vish.jp/ ・Vish Twitter / vishjp_tw ・Vish Instagram / vishjp_ig ・Lure News R https://www.lurenewsr.com/ ・Lure News Twitter / lurenewstv ・Lure News Instagram / lurenews ・Lure News FB page / lurenews ・Official web shop http://lurenews-shop.com/