The Persian Poetry Channel is your foremost resource on simplified interpretations of the Persian Greats such as Rumi, Hafez, Sa'di, Khayyam... with clear English subtitles. Today Arash interprets Hafez ghazal #12 ------------------------------------------- ---------- Hello, dear and regular companions of the channel, let's go to the interpretation and meaning of Hafez's twelfth ghazal, which is a very important ghazal. You probably won't find this ghazal in the Hafez divan that you have at home. I explained the reason in the post, so let's go. Let's watch and enjoy together. Don't forget to like, comment and subscribe ------------------------------------- ------------------- 0:00 - Intro / Start 0:17 - Important information / Very important 09:08 - Ghazal reading / Reading the eleventh ghazal of Hafez's Divan 11: 21 - Interpretation of couplet 1 / Interpretation O Forough the moon of Hasan, from your radiance 13:47 - Interpretation of couplet 2 / Interpretation The determination to meet you is on my lips 15:53 - Interpretation of couplet 3 / Interpretation No one has turned away, no one has closed his eyes From the well-being 17:11 - Interpretation of couplet 4 / Interpretation Our sleepy fortune will awaken unless 18:59 - Interpretation of couplet 5 / Interpretation with Saba, send a companion from the garland of clothes 20:41 - Interpretation of couplet 6 / Interpretation May your life be long and your purpose be fulfilled, O you cupbearers of the feast 22:40 - Interpretation of couplet 7 / Interpretation The heart is ruined, warn the beloved 24:38 - Interpretation of couplet 8 / Interpretation: Who will give this intention, O Lord, that they may become partners? 26:45 - Interpretation of couplet 9 / Interpretation: Keep away from the dust and blood of your skirt, so that you may pass over us. 28:30 - Interpretation of couplet 10 / Interpretation: Hafez Duaei Listen, say Amen 31:02 - Interpretation of couplet 11 / Interpretation O Saba, tell the inhabitants of Yazd about us 32:46 - Interpretation of couplet 12 / Interpretation Although we are far from the place of nearness, we are not far from the place of nearness 34:27 - Interpretation of couplet 13 / Commentary O King, the most exalted of God's servants, 35:26 - Information / Information 39:47 - Access to Persian Poetry's social platforms / Access to my social networks ------------------------------ ------------------ O beautiful moon, from your radiant face, the water from your well is good, the soul is determined to meet you, whether it will return or not, what is your command, who is far away? Narcissus did not close his eyes to the well-being of those who do not sell intoxication to your drunkards. Our sleepy fortune will wake up, except for the one who struck the blue eyes of your faces with the dawn. Send a garland of flowers from your clothes so that we can smell the fragrance of the soil of your garden. May your life be long and your desires be fulfilled, O bartenders. Let's celebrate, even though our cup is not full, your era is ruining our hearts. Let the heart be informed. O friends, who will give my life and your life to this purpose? O Lord, let them be partners. For the sake of our unity, keep your troubled hair away from the dust and blood of your skirts. Please forgive us, Kander, there are many dead on this road. Your Lord, Hafez, is praying. Hear a prayer. Say Amen. May our day be blessed. May your gratitude shine brightly, O Saba, with the inhabitants of the city. Yazd, tell us, the head of the truth of the unknown, like your polo, although we are far from the stage of closeness, your courage is not far away, we are your king's servants and your praisers, O high-star emperor, may I kiss the dust of your porch like a star ----------- ------------------------------------- Hafez Ghazal #12 Did you know that Hafez spent time in exile? ? In ghazal #12 we learn that Hafez has been condemned to exile by Shah Shoja of Shiraz and banished from court, we get to see the rare anxious side of Hafez. Why was he sent to exile, you might ask? Watch as Arash explains the details behind that difficult period in Hafez's life. So, in what appears to be a romantic poem at first, towards the end we realize that it is in fact an entreaty to Shah Yahya of Yazd where he's being sent on exile. And what is His request of Shah Yahya? To treat him kindly upon arrival despite his problems with Shah Shoja. For a man who loved to bask in the pleasures of life it must have been disheartening times indeed. You can feel his anxiety and his disappointment in those responsible for his circumstances. Watch the video through to the end as Arash sets the scene for this ghazal with the fascinating account of the circumstances surrounding Hafez's exile and then as he interprets the poem, unveiling the brilliant innuendo in Hafez's writing. And, please remember, if you like the content, the best way to support our efforts is to subscribe to our YouTube channel and to interact with us. Be sure to leave us a comment about your thoughts on this post. And stay in touch in our YouTube community with any general comments, suggestions or criticisms. We aim to improve and that will only happen with interactions with our audience. You can also support us by making contributions via PayPal. 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