@maniac.fishing https://instagram.com/maniac.fishing?... @pot045 https://instagram.com/pot045?igshid=Z... @naoya302001 https://instagram.com/naoya302001?igs... @rui__0108 https://instagram.com/rui___0108?igsh... @kuwatarousimonaka https://instagram.com/kuwatarousimona... @bigwest_34 https://instagram.com/bigwest_34?igsh... [Offshore] Click here to see more jigging and casting ↓ • [Offshore] Bluefish jigging and casting [Beginners welcome] Relaxed fishing from land here ↓ • [Shore] Relaxed fishing from land! We also run a blog about improving your fishing life, [OKABLOG]. We post tips and information on how to improve fishing, including bluefish and trout! I would be happy if you could read it as well. [OKABLOG] Akki's blog is updated regularly ↓ https://blog-river.com Please feel free to follow me on Twitter! [Twitter] Akki @ Living only by fishing / aki73711455 [Twitter] Chanyu / chanumigirl