I wanted to catch a giant bluefin tuna weighing over 100kg with a lure... I chartered a recreational fishing boat with my friends and went to cast bluefin tuna (top water lure). When we went out to sea, there was a super school of giant tuna! It was unimaginable to fight with a huge fish that was much heavier than my weight for the first time... There are many things I want to reflect on, but more than that, I am really happy that I was able to catch a fish that will stay in my life. I am grateful to everyone who has supported me so far. *This fishing trip was outside the restricted period while following the rules of bluefin tuna fishing. The catch has been reported to the Fisheries Agency. Currently, due to restrictions on recreational bluefin tuna fishing and the influence of a certain number of people who recommend releasing them, there is a tendency to view posting about bluefin tuna fishing and reporting catches on social media as bad. I've had to cancel my planned fishing trips several times due to regulations, but I think that this is just the rules, so there's nothing I can do about it. In the limited opportunities like this, I was able to catch a memorable fish and have a memorable fight while following the rules...I personally think that being able to record and share such wonderful experiences is one of the best parts of social media, so I posted the video. There will be both positive and negative opinions, but I hope that I can make a contribution to the current suffocating trend where it is difficult to share the joy and excitement of a memorable fish that you have caught. *Please note that if your comment contains place names or other content, we may delete it. ---------- ▼Tackle rod used this time: MCworks' SLOW HAND 777TSZ Custom model Reel: SHIMANO 20STELLA SW 20000PG Line: VARIVAS Avani Casting PE SMP 10 FGknot Leader: YGK XBRAID CASTMAN ABSORBER 200lb Lure: shell shaping lures Trumpet230 Hook: BKK Lone DIABLO 11/0 ---------- ▼music DOVA-SYNDROME https://dova-s.jp/ PeriTune https://peritune.com/ MusMus http://musmus.main.jp/music2.html Vlog No Copyright Music / vlognocopyrightmusic pikaMine etc... ---------- #BluefinTuna #TunaCasting #BluefinTuna