Quite an old request from a subscriber, which I never got around to posting. Remastered, sharing with you! Everything I used for this cover: Udio - fragment generation Audacity (with a pinch of plugins) - audio editor UVR5 - shared vocals and instrumentals with it Haiper - video generation Topaz Video AI - video upscaling Support the channel/order a cover: Sber: 2202 2053 0446 5724 ---------------------------------- https://boosty.to/exodusoul/donate https://donationalerts.com/r/exodusoul Download track: https://drive.google.com/file/d/18El7... Prompt: Power metal, Male vocals, Powerful vocals, Organ, Occult, Church, Religion, Crusaders, Energetic, Opera metal, Vocal distortion, Theatrical metal, Organ synthezator, Organ keyboard #ai #aicover #udio #music #cover #aimusic #metal #powermetal #powerwolf #w40k #wh40k #warhammer40k