Greek mythology: Dionysus - the god of winemaking Dionysus is a god accompanied by a cheerful retinue of maenads, satyrs, eternally cheerful and drunk to the point of madness, the god of winemaking, viticulture and other vegetation, incredible natural energy emanates from him, it is attractive, but dark, it throws off shackles, inspires you. On the one hand, it is beautiful, but on the other…. So, who is Dionysus, today we will try to figure it out. SUBSCRIBE My channel: https://goo.gl/uK2YTa ¦¦LIKE¦¦ VK GROUP: https://vk.com/club118345357 My Instagram: / danilovnikolai If you want to support: Yandex money: 4100 1421 5245 970 DonationAlerts: https://www.donationalerts.com/r/seve... Sources: 1) Robert Graves: Myths of Ancient Greece 2) Wikipedia Dionysus 3) Les Grands Mythes Еp7 4) Nikolaev D.M: Mysteries of Dionysus Playlist Slavic legends: • Video Playlist Creatures of Slavic mythology: • Slavic mythology: Bolotnik Playlist Scandinavian mythology: • Scandinavian mythology: How does ... Playlist Gods of the Slavs: • Video Playlist Slavic Mythology: • Video Playlist Japanese mythology: • Japanese mythology: Kitsune - a fox about... Playlist Scary places of Russia: • Scary places of Russia: Valley of Death... #Mythology #Greece #GreekMythology #Dionysus