The AI-based chatbot has already crept into many areas of our lives: from work to school - The report One hundred million users acquired in a handful of months, one million Swiss use it daily, in their private lives or at work: ChatGPT is one of the most dazzling technological successes ever. But a year after its appearance, what effect has it had on our lives? ChatGPT at work Like many other algorithms, it has crept into our daily lives without us even realizing it. The insurance company Helvetia uses it to advise customers, the cities of Basel and Zurich exploit it to dispense information to tourists, the German newspaper Bild intends to replace 200 journalists with artificial intelligence. Camilo Antezana, CEO of Vivi Kola, has integrated it into his company: ChatGPT not only deals with marketing, but also with tasks that until a few months ago were the exclusive prerogative of humans. ChatGPT has created the recipe for a vegan and healthy drink: Vivi Nova, the first drink in the world created entirely by artificial intelligence. Follow RSI Info on: WEBSITE: https://www.rsi.ch/info/ PLAY: https://www.rsi.ch/play/tv FACEBOOK: / rsiinfo INSTAGRAM: / rsiinfo