Secure your bonus of 1G fine gold now - only less than 100 pieces left: https://privatinvestor-goldfonds.de/g... Download our special report "The Gold Formula - Investing in the Global System Crash" now: https://privatinvestor-goldfonds.de/g... ℹ️ To the video Why does the price of gold keep rising? In this insightful lecture, Felix Schönherr and Stefan Richter explain why our monetary system is facing fundamental changes and what role gold plays in this. With exciting charts and historical comparisons, they show how the global balance of power is shifting and why gold could be on the verge of a new bull run phase. ℹ️ Contents 00:00 - Introduction and basics of the gold fund 08:00 - The monetary system and its problems 15:00 - Global developments and central bank strategies 21:00 - Technical analysis and gold price forecasts ℹ️ Further links ????️ Take part in our monthly live webinar to ask our fund professionals your questions directly: https://max-otte-fonds.de/live-webina... ???? The best conversations from our experts are also available as a podcast to listen to. You can find our channel here: https://der-privatinvestor-podcast.po... ???? The Max Otte Funds offer you long-term and value-oriented investments from a single source. Find out more now in a personal conversation: https://max-otte-fonds.de/lp-kontakta... ???? Order your copy of the new book by Prof. Dr. here. Max Otte and secure attractive bonus material: https://endlich-mit-aktien-geld-verdi...?utm_source=pi-tv&utm_medium=video&utm_campaign=pi-tv ℹ️ Follow our other social media channels: Instagram: / max_otte_fonds LinkedIn: / pi-kapitalanlage-gmbh Twitter/X: / dprivatinvestor Facebook: / prof.dr.max.otte Telegram: https://t.me/maxotteoffiziell Podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/7kOeELz... TikTok: / max_otte_fonds