The answer to prayer depends on faith. What causes prayer to go unanswered is unbelief, that is, doubt - a mustard seed of unbelief is enough and nothing happens. Faith, where there is no doubt, will move mountains. Therefore, it is up to us to take our (un)belief seriously. Important info HERE: ⬇️ ✝️ Learn important info in the TELEGRAM group (+ online Bible group) https://t.me/ucenikjezisakrista ???????????????? Join my partners' community + get exclusive extra content / veronikagazikova FOLLOW ME ALSO ON SOCIAL NETWORKS: Disciple of Jesus Christ ✨Instagram / ucenik_jezisa_krista ✨Tiktok / ucenikjezisakrista ✨Facebook / ucenikjezisakrista Divoká Tvorkyňa ✨ Instagram / divoka_tvorkyna ✨ TikTok / divokatvorkyna ✨ Facebook / divokatvorkyna ???????? Prayers for the sick https://fireproduction.sk/modlitby-za... OFFICIAL WEBSITE: https://www.divokatvorkyna.sk email: [email protected] Also check out my second YOUTUBE channel: ✨ Divoka Tvorkyňa / @divokatvorkyna My testimony: • Esotericism almost killed me Jesus me ... If you like my service and would like to support one-time/more than through Patreon, you can directly to: ???? my account: SK8483300000002801219386 ???? through F-Foundation: IBAN: CZ48 2010 0000 0020 0179 2299 Variable symbol: 2405 Read the Bible, pray, praise the Lord and make disciples. Greetings with a holy kiss, ✨Veronika✨