GIVING ALMOST FOR ELDERLY PEOPLE WHO HAVE DIED IS REALLY AWESOME BENEFITSSHEYEKH ALI JABER It is very unusual to give alms especially if it is intended for the elderly or family members who have died, because in a narration it is mentioned that people who have died want to be brought back to life only to give alms, there are still many more benefits of giving alms including healing from illness, multiplying sustenance, repelling plagues and many other benefits, hopefully this video will be useful so that it becomes a reward for our teacher Sheikh Ali Jaber, may his grave be made spacious, his glory be increased, and given the best place in the sight of ALLAH SWT....Amen ============================ greet each other Tv link long video: • Terrific charity ~ the Shaykh's speech ... tag: giving charity for the dead giving charity for the deceased elderly giving charity for the living elderly giving charity for the cure of illness giving charity for the deceased elderly how to give charity for the deceased how to give charity for a deceased husband, the benefits of giving alms in the morning, the benefits of giving alms every day, the benefits of giving alms on Friday, the benefits of giving according to Islam, the benefits of giving alms, the way out of all difficulties, the key to patience in successful life, the way out of debt problems, the key to patience and sincerity, the way out of prayer debt, difficulty living because of debt, prayer asking for a way out of the problem, looking for a way out of difficulty, prayer asking for a way out of difficulty, a way out of the difficulty of life, when we are in difficulty, in that difficulty there is ease, prayer for a way out of difficulty, when there is no way out of a problem, how to find a way out of a problem, life chased by debt, a way out of accumulating debt, the key to life is how to pay off debt, a prayer that the problem we face will be solved quickly, in difficulties there is definitely ease, when the problem has no way out, =========================== #ceramahsyekhalijaber #amalanpembukapinturezeki #syekhalijaberterbaru #syekhalijaber #kajianslam #kajiantauhid #kajiansunnah #kajianmakrifat # online study #syekhnawawi #aagymterbaru #khmuhammadbakhiet