DISCOVER OUR COMPLETE COURSE: https://seliga.com.br/ FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM: /seliga_enem_e_vestibulares ABOUT THE CLASS: This video is part of our series of videos about each of Brazil's presidents! The topic of the day is President Ernesto Beckmann Geisel, who governed Brazil between 1974 and 1979 and was the fourth president of the Brazilian Civil-Military Dictatorship. In the class, Professor Walter Solla talks about the main characteristics and episodes of this ambiguous government in which there was repression and, at the same time, the beginning of political openness. Sign up to receive our exclusive content for free: https://lp.seliga.com.br/receba-conte... STUDY WITH THE COURSE THAT SEEMS LIKE A SERIES! Learn all subjects on a complete platform with incredible classes, exercises with commented solutions, essay corrections, simulations, doubt hotlines and all the support you need to study for college entrance exams and the Enem! To learn more, visit: http://www.SELIGA.com.br WANT MORE HISTORY CLASSES? History of Brazil - https://goo.gl/WAbJOz History of the World - https://goo.gl/KSq3Qz WANT CLASSES IN OTHER SUBJECTS? Follow the channel and meet all the Se Liga teachers! CREDITS: Teacher: Walter Solla Direction: Ary Neto Screenplay: Walter Solla Research: Walter Solla and Talita Cavalheiro Images: Jailson Ramos Editing: Badr Así and Ton Lima BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES: TATIANA DIAS (Brazil). Jornal Nexo. 'Absences': this essay gives the dimension of the brutality of a dictatorship. 2016. Available at: https://www.nexojornal.com.br/express.... Accessed on: July 17, 2020. MARIANA VICK (Brazil). Nexo Newspaper. The archive of Vladimir Herzog's life, now available online. 2020. Available at: https://www.nexojornal.com.br/express.... Accessed on: July 20, 2020. SCHWARCZ, Lilia M; Starling, Heloísa. Brazil: A Biography. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras. 2016. FAUSTO, Boris. History of Brazil. São Paulo: Ed. Edusp, 2015. PRIORE, Mary del; VENANCIO, Renato. A Brief History of Brazil. São Paulo: Planeta, 2010. SOUZA, Worney Almeida de. The Republic and the history of the presidents of Brazil. São Paulo: Discovery Publications, 2017. VIZENTINI, Paulo Fagundes. International Relations of Brazil from Vargas to Lula. São Paulo, Perseu Abramo Foundation Publishing House, 2003. FICO, Carlos. Beyond the Coup: Versions and Controversies about 1964 and the Military Dictatorship. Rio de Janeiro: Record, 2000. ROSSI, C. Militarism in Latin America. São Paulo: Editora Brasiliense, 1990. (Everything is History Collection). SAFATLE, Vladimir; TELES, Edson (ORGS). What Remains of the Dictatorship. São Paulo: Boitempo, 2010. MUNICIPAL SECRETARY OF HUMAN RIGHTS AND CITIZENSHIP. Resistant Memories: Places of Memory of the Civil-Military Dictatorship in the Municipality of São Paulo (1st ed.). São Paulo: 2017. MONTELEONE, SEREZA, SION, AMORIM, MACHADO. Waiting for the Truth: Businessmen, Jurists and the Transnational Elite. São Paulo: Alameda, 2016. GASPARI, Elio. The Defeated Dictatorship. Rio de Janeiro: Intrínseca, 2014. (2nd Edition)