In Normandy, we also prepare tartiflette! A typical dish from Savoie, Aurélia, our cook of the day reveals her revisited version where the reblochon is replaced by camembert... *** Recipe details *** Ingredients: 1 camembert 1 kg of potatoes 200 g of smoked bacon 2 onions 20 cl of pommeau Walnuts Thick cream Preparation: 1/ Peel then finely chop the onions. Cut the bacon to make bacon. Cut the peeled potatoes into pieces, then steam them for 10 minutes. 2/ In a frying pan, brown the onions and bacon. Add the potatoes to the pan and cook until lightly browned. 3/ Deglaze the potatoes, onions and bacon with pommeau. Then in a saucepan, melt the camembert with a little thick cream. 4/ Prepare the tartiflette dish starting with the potato, onion and bacon mixture. Add a few pieces of walnuts to add crunch. Pour the camembert cream then place a slice of camembert on the tartiflette. 5/ Bake for 10 minutes at 180°C. Chef's tip: To accompany the tartiflette, place a few red oak leaves, wild sorrel and cardamine des prés and garnish with a few shavings of dried camembert. *** Who is the chef? *** Aurélia Landeau. MORE INFO https://www.france.tv/france-3/meteo-... FOLLOW US / meteoalacarte / meteoalacarte / meteoalacarte REACT Hashtag #Meteoalacarte