Song Title: Outburst Dreamer Boy Romaji: Chuubyou Gekihatsu Boy English: Outburst Dreamer Boys COVER INFORMATION Covered by: Wonderlands×Showtime (Tenma Tsukasa & Kamishiro Rui) × Kagamine Len ➥ 2D MV: - Illustrator: - Movie: - ➥ 3D MV: - LYRICS VIDEO INFORMATION: Video by: astoryqa ORIGINAL SONG INFORMATION: Original Singer(s): Kagamine Len Music & Lyrics: rerulili ( / rerulili ) Movie: Ho4ma (https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/1952982) Mastering: kagomeP ( / kagome_p ) ➥ • Outburst Dreamer Boy - Rerulili feat. Kagamine Len / Outburst Dr... ➥ https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm2522... TRANSLATION AND LYRICS INFORMATION: Translation and Lyrics from: ➥ https://projectsekai.fandom.com/wiki/... ➥ https://vocaloidlyrics.fandom.com/wik...) (C) SEGA (C) Colorful Palette Inc. (C) Crypton Future Media, INC. www.piapro.net Product names and company names are registered trademarks of their respective companies. #ChuubyouGekihatsuBoy #KagamineLen #ProSeka #rerulili