The fourteenth episode of the Fuse podcast, hosted by Arash Naalchegar, hosts Dr. Hossam Nozari, a prominent biologist and periodontist. In this episode, an interesting and deep conversation about evolution and genetics has been formed, which prompts us to reflect on our genetic connections with other creatures and searches for our common roots in the evolutionary path. With a scientific perspective based on genetic evidence, Dr. Nozari explains how we can conclude that all living things, including humans, evolved from a common ancestor. In this episode, the challenges facing the acceptance of these ideas in religious communities are discussed, as well as the critical aspects of scientific thinking and evolution, especially about man and his origin. If you are interested in a deeper understanding of the concept of evolution, genetic commonalities with other organisms, and exploring the scientific reasons for our connection to a common ancestor, don't miss this episode! ---------------------------------- Our social networks ???? Telegram https://t.me/fusepodcast ???? Instagram / fuse.podcast ???? Twitter / fuse_podcast --------------------------------- contributions - support ???? https://paypal .me/persianpoetry ???? https://reymit.ir/fusepodcast ---------------------------------