#KatoSeiji #HataTakumaWe. The English subtitled version of the channel is now complete! Big news to my international viewers! Now I have a new YouTube channel for my international viewers. All the videos of the new channel have English subtitles! Come check it out and don't forget to subscribe! "FISH MAGNET" / @-fishmagnet-3736 It's finally open!! DMM Online Salon "HataTakuma's Bass Fishing University" Online classes are being held every week to improve your bass fishing skills! To enroll, please visit the URL below ↓ https://lounge.dmm.com/detail/3047/ This is the full-length, fully-released version of the recent "Magical Fishing Exists!" Kato-san's magical techniques for catching big bass that he has been working on for many years are now fully revealed with in-depth commentary!