After battling prostate cancer, guitarist #JavierBátiz, the legendary wizard, passed away this Saturday at the age of 80, recognized as the father of Mexican rock who fulfilled his golden dreams by playing with #RayCharles, #LittleRichars and #BBKing; the news was spread by his wife Claudia Madrid on social media. Don't miss the best of the show from Monday to Friday De Primera Mano at 3 pm with Gustavo Adolfo Infante, Mónica Noguera, Addis Tuñón and Lalo Carrillo on Imagen Televisión. Also visit our website www.imagentv.com Or on the social networks De Primera Mano Facebook: http://bit.ly/FacebookDePrimeraMano Twitter: http://bit.ly/TwitterDePrimeraMano Or on our Imagen Televisión networks Facebook: http://bit.ly/2psCu3R Twitter: http://bit.ly/2pxLq4U Visit Gustavo Adolfo Infante's channels: YouTube: http://bit.ly/GustavoAdolfoInfanteYT Facebook: http://bit.ly/GustavoAdolfoInfanteFB Leave us your comments, like, share and subscribe!