Take a break! - https://wotkit.cc/b/Amway921 ???????? Code for +15% to balance replenishment: Amway921 ???? Telegram: https://t.me/amway921_wot ???? YouTube: / @amway921wot ⬛ RUTUBE: https://rutube.ru/channel/30079324/ ???? [email protected] - mail for cooperation ???? https://vk.com/p_sukhanov - private messages are open to everyone My name is Pavel. On this channel you will find walkthroughs of the coolest games, both new and old. As well as a bunch of content on World of Tanks: many cool battles, guides on all equipment and tips on how to take three marks, which tank to pump first, which premium tank is better, etc. ???? http://www.donationalerts.ru/r/amway9... - send a donation https://goo.gl/PMy2sS - support the channel with a paid subscription https://vk.com/amway921wot - subscribe to the VK group https://goo.gl/zVzzAS - download mods for WOT