Sinan Can (1977) is a Dutch investigative journalist and known for his award-winning documentaries about the war in Afghanistan, Syria and the terrorists of IS. On Thursday 12 November he will speak at the Maczek Memorial Breda. The Arab Spring seemed to be a turning point in the Middle East. Finally, dictators were deposed one by one. Democracy, freedom and equality would finally come. But now, 8 years later, we can conclude that the 'spring' has failed. There are several reasons for this. And one of them is that dictatorships did not just come into being. The fact that democracies do not get off the ground in the Middle East is often logical if you look closely at history. During his freedom lecture, Sinan Can will talk about the countries he visited; Libya, Tunisia, Egypt, Iraq and Syria. He describes the background and history of the dictatorships in that region. He shows how people live with it and what it means to have to live with the fear and repression that a dictatorship brings with it. And he talks about people who, despite everything, resist and sometimes make great sacrifices. About the Freedom Lectures The Freedom Lectures take place annually in the run-up to May 5. Due to the far-reaching measures against the coronavirus (COVID-19), the 2020 program has been adjusted. In the period from October to December, Angelique Houtveen, Danny Ghosen, Robert Vuijsje, Shirin Musa, Natascha van Weezel, Sinan Can and Dieuwertje Blok will give lectures throughout the Netherlands. The Freedom Lectures inspire young and old to think about the value of freedom. The subject of freedom is more relevant than ever. Because of Corona, we all suddenly experience how important it is to live free from fear, free from want and how valuable it is to be able to move freely.