FREE Electricity, anytime, anywhere - Village, house, camping - Blackout backup Since many have written that they are interested in buying, the price of this set is around 1200 Euros, but you can also buy a regular 400W PV panel for around 100 Euros and then buy just the battery, so you can get the same for around 900 Euros, only the panel is not (easily portable) Who is interested in this or another battery (maybe with higher power), I can get it for you and arrange delivery to SRB/BIH/HR, who is serious, can contact me on viber/whatsapp +4367761271811. In this video I present to you a portable solar generator - a 1.5kw generator/battery with an output of 2000 W and a portable photovoltaic panel with a power of 350 W and how they function with a small test with a 720 W flexi-battery. With this set we can produce electricity independently, anytime and anywhere and use it whenever we want, regardless of whether in the event of a power outage on the public grid, in workshops, in the countryside, cottages, places where there is no public grid, camping, mountains, fishing, whatever and wherever, always at hand and very efficient and useful. Also a great solution for people who want to live a life outside the system, to be not only producers of their own food, but also producers of their own electricity!