Does breakfast make you fat? In the morning like an emperor, at lunch like a king, in the evening like a beggar. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day... truth or all myth? When it comes to breakfast, opinions differ. Should you force yourself to eat breakfast or even skip it completely and only eat something at lunch? And which foods should you eat best? I get to the bottom of these questions in this YouTube video and show you what is important according to current studies. Do you like the video? → Thumbs up! Don't miss any more videos? → Feel free to subscribe to my channel! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can find more information on my website and on my social media channels: ► Homepage: https://www.dagmarvoncramm.de/ ► Facebook: / dagmarvoncramm ► Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dagmarvoncr... Don't miss any more videos and subscribe to my channel: ► / @dagmar_von_cramm