I recently noticed that in the comments section of a past video, someone had written that they wanted me to share my background. I'm really sorry... I didn't feel like replying to a comment at this point, so I decided to answer in a video. It was going to be a long one. I also briefly mentioned the "problem of promotion" that many SDF personnel probably face. I really don't think this system is good. I also touched a bit on hairstyles... Instagram account https://www.instagram.com/shogo_gakus... Website https://fukugyo-gakushu.hp.peraichi.com/ #civil servant #former civil servant #SDF #SDF personnel #former SDF personnel #job change #retirement #quitting your job #side job #side job support #side income #work from home #side job consulting #side job seminar #work from home side job #side job consultant #consultant #consulting #work style #work style reform