For city dwellers it is a myth, for recreational athletes it is a place of longing, for forest owners it is a retirement plan, and for large mammals it is the last refuge: the German forest. Germany's best-known agricultural influencer Marie Hoffmann has traveled halfway across the country to have the "forest-wildlife conflict" explained to her from the perspective of various affected parties - and whether they would like more or fewer forest and hunting laws. A film by the Game Conservancy Germany (https://gameconservancy.de) Supported by Familienbetriebe Land und Forst (https://fablf.de) and the Stiftung Wald & Wild in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (https://www.stiftung-waldundwild.de). Moderation: Marie Hoffmann (https://www.marie-hoffmann-landwirtsc...) Camera & editing: Johannes Fehnker (https://www.jo-productions.de)