Thank you for your hard work today, everyone. This is DoroNemu, the channel that lets you sleep like a rock. Become smart while you sleep, that's trivia for inducing sleep. DoroNemu's purpose is to share knowledge with you and help you get a good night's sleep. I hope you all sleep like a rock. Good night. [Sleep induction] [Trivia] [Reading] Listen while you sleep/Trivia for inducing sleep that will help you sleep extremely deeply/Sleep soundly/Relax/Healing/Stress relief/Recovery from fatigue/For sleep/Trivia for deep sleep/Super deep sleep/Good sleep/Fall asleep quickly/For men/For women/Male voice/Falling asleep/Falling asleep in 5 minutes/For those who can't sleep/For those who are sleep deprived/Sleep disorders/Relieve stress/Meditation/Brain sleep/Non-REM sleep/Listen while you sleep/Become smart while you sleep/Healing/Repair DNA#sleep induction #trivia #falling asleep