Spring fishing on a beautiful forest river As soon as the first warm weather comes, the fish in the river come to life, bleak, roach, bream, crucian carp begin to feed. After them, predators wake up - perch, pike, asp. From the sea to small rivers to spawn goes vimba, also known as syrt, or vimba. The water boils from fish tails, circles spread here and there on the mirror surface - this is chub feeding. And at this luxurious time for fishing, Adventures Brothers set up camp on the shore in their favorite place - where the river after a noisy riffle spills into a wide lake and, turning ninety degrees, is divided into two branches by a small island. Sanya and Janis were fishing with a spinning rod, Igor - with a float, Kostyan, as always, sat on the shore with a feeder. In the evening we heated up a camp bathhouse, took a steam bath, had fried fish for dinner, and the next day - more fishing, a campfire, stories and delicious dishes in an Afghan cauldron. The stars aligned, the fishing was a success, and what kind of film about this four-day fishing trip turned out - of course, you - our subscribers and viewers - will judge. Our powerful flashlights: promo code for a discount ADVENTURES BROTHERS www.armytek.ru www.armytekstore.de