House with a flat roof, one floor made of aerated concrete in Peski. We are installing the floor - 180 mm hollow-core slabs produced by Melikonpolar - the second part of the mini-series. • 1.8 PB 54.7-12-12-K7 IZH1010 - 9 pcs • 1.8 PB 54.7-6-12-K7 IZH1010 - 1 pc • 1.8 PB 29.7-12-21-K7 IZH1010 - 8 pcs • 1.8 PB 29.7-11-21-K7 IZH1010 - 1 pc • 1.8 PB 29.7-6-21-K7 IZH1010 - 1 pc Total cost of all slabs - 155,000 rubles. STO NAAG, from where the drawing and excerpt regarding the strapping belt at the level of the floor slabs are inserted - http://www.gazo-beton.org/files/image... Meliconpolar website https://www.meliconpolar.ru/catalog/p... The first part with general information about the project - • New hit? One-story 9 * 12 with a flat ... #housewithflatroof #flatroof #floor #floorslabs #hollowcoreslabs #hollows #slabs #floors #one-storyhouse #aerated concrete #crane #construction #construction #one-storyhousewithflatroof #flatroofs #buildingahouse #buildinghouses #andreyshans