fishing in muara baru kid initial R back in action bismilah assalamualaikum wr. wb the holiday season has arrived but the weather is not supportive for fishing activities, because the child's wishes and weather calculations at the time and place finally we went on a fishing trip again to Pak Udin's fish aggregating device, with KM Kuda Laut, which was captained by Captain Zaenal 0823 1196 2411 with ABK Om Ozzy departing from the Muara Baru pier, thank God there are still varied results and can provide education for children, please comment if there is anything you ask, we really hope for your support so that our channel can develop by liking comments and subscribing and sharing so that we can provide recommendations for others, hopefully entertaining, thank you, wassalam .. # fishing # fishingmania # fishing in rumpon # stoptalkingletsfishing watch also • fishing in Cirebon green bagan spot... • fishing in Badong, Palabuhan Ratu • fishing in Pacitan, Watukarung spot