Donate: http://www.donationalerts.ru/r/evil_g... https://bit.ly/3EzhZGn - Unique tanks, x5 experience tasks and much more with a discount of up to 99% https://trovo.live/EviL_GrannY - Gold and Tanks giveaway on the second channel We play for a common prize pool, and then divide it equally between three Three different stages 1. Ramming Damage by ramming per battle = amount in rubles in our bank. The top result is taken from everyone and thrown into the common prize pool. Well, that is, we make as many attempts as we want, but the best attempt from everyone is taken. 2. Turbo fight - the fastest win 3:30+ = 6000r 3:20+ = 8000r 3:10+ = 10000r 3:00+ = 12000r 2:50+ = 14000r 2:40+ = 16000r 2:30+ = 18000r 2:20+ = 21000r 3. The best highlighter of the game The highest highlight in a fight = Amount in rubles for the prize fund Telegram - https://t.me/+JU2ks0wP68BjNDAy TikTok - / evil_grannie Instagram (channel) - / evil_granny_game Instagram (mine) - / evil_granny_ Vkontakte - https://vk.com/evil_grannyy Poker Channel - / @evilgrannypoker176 / @evilgranny - Become a sponsor of the channel Which premium tank to choose? - • ABOUT ALL PREMIUMS AT ONCE / WHICH ONE TO CHOOSE ... Which branch to pump? - • BEST TANK BRANCHES FOR BEGINNERS #Granny #WoT #WorldOfTanks #Tanks