2260: Under the leadership of Commander Tyron, the spaceship "Paradise One" has set off from Earth to Mars with five thousand passengers on board. It is the first flight of a wave of evacuations planned by the global high-performance AI Alpha. This is intended to ensure the survival of as many people as possible - especially younger people - on a new planet before the Earth becomes completely uninhabitable towards the end of the 23rd century after the final climate tipping point is exceeded. Shortly before arriving on Mars, it became known that some on-board staff were apparently planning a mutiny because they feared that not all pioneers would be dropped off there. While the command staff was still dealing with this situation, the autonomous on-board AI Epsilon delivered even worse bad news. This meant that everyone involved in the project had to rethink their approach. The highly gifted girl Eleni, who travels with her grandmother Nessa in the passenger cohort, unwittingly becomes, together with Epsilon, a key figure in the question of whether there is any chance of rescue for the travelers - and the entire project. The roles and their actors: Commander Tyron: Werner Wilkening Onboard AI Epsilon: Michael Malewski Onboard IT specialist Gereo: Thorsten Möser Eleni: Malin Strohmeier Influporter Stella: Anja Klukas Major Kira: Anke Bothe Safety Sergeant Akamu: Thomas Söcker Station Manager Martin: Philip Bösand Onboard Entertainer Tabor: Arne Dewald Steward Hannagret: Runa Marold Engineer Chin-Tao: Carlo Völker Yoga Trainer Mariliss: Alexandra Begau Nessa: Tina Wolff Press Officer Athene: Birgit Arnold Chief IT Specialist Kenu: Jan Abraham Lieutenant Marlon: Lars Eickstädt Global AI Alpha: Diana Darlian Security Officer Derek: Bernhard Schlax Epsilon Policoid: Maria Arato Alpha Policoid: Janin Lange Intro and Credits: Katrin Haber Extras voices for loudspeaker announcements, calls from the crowd and the Clean Bot: Katrin Haber, Tina Wolff, Anja Klukas, Claus Weyers, Swaantje Joeck, Eric Dearnley, STORYoshi Idea and concept: Andreas Strohmeier and Stefan Fabry Script: Stefan Fabry Proofreading: Alexandra Begau Dialogue editing: Stefan Fabry Sound design and mixing: Andreas Strohmeier Music: Andreas Strohmeier Sound sources: freesound.org and own archive Cover: Anja Klukas Test listener part 1: Melle Teich and Thorsten Möser Test listener part 2: Claudia Strohmeier This radio play is a project of the free community for radio play makers at www.hoer-talk.de It is under Creative Commons 4.0 License - Attribution - Non-Commercial - No Derivative Works