In this video we will explain some basic concepts about the engine light and the reasons that lead to its operation How do we know that the car supports computer scanning What is the best device for scanning What is the difference between a cable, Wi-Fi or Bluetooth device The difference between a regular classic Bluetooth device or a smart Bluetooth BLE How to buy the device What is the most appropriate application How do we download the application for iPhone and Android How do we connect and pair with the device Step-by-step explanation How do we scan and read some information from the car The misconception about scanning errors Tampering with the engine light and how to detect it Links mentioned in the video Use this site to find out the location of the computer port https://www.outilsobdfacile.com/locat... --- List of some engine light scanning applications compatible with the scanning device 1- INFOCAR (the best in my opinion) http://infocarmobility.com/#page1 https://apps.apple.com/app/id1447599519 https://play.google.com/store/apps/de... 2- GaragePro OBD2 Scanner (with the ability to check the ABS and airbag system for some cars) https://garagepro.in https://apps.apple.com/app/id1488423694 https://play.google.com/store/apps/de... 3- Torque (often used by people and works on Android only and the full version is not free) https://torque-bhp.com https://play.google.com/store/apps/de... 4- Car Scanner ELM OBD2 (translated into Arabic) https://www.carscanner.info https://apps.apple.com/app/id1259933623 https://play.google.com/store/apps/de... 4- MotorData OBD (translated into Arabic) https://motordata-obd.com https://apps.apple.com/us/app/motorda... https://play.google.com/store/apps/de... 5- OBD Fusion https://www.obdsoftware.net/software/... https://apps.apple.com/app/id650684932 https://play.google.com/store/apps/de... 5- Fourstroke (works on iPhone only) https://www.fourstroke.ca https://apps.apple.com/app/id946722526 and other applications Topics 00:00 Introduction 01:36 The engine light and some misconceptions 02:47 OBDII computer check 03:22 Clearing errors and turning off the engine light 04:47 How do we know that the car supports the computer check 05:37 The location of the computer plug 06:36 What is the best device for the check 07:33 What is the difference between a cable, Wi-Fi or Bluetooth device 09:05 How to buy the device 10:02 What is the most appropriate application 11:20 How to download the application for iPhone and Android 11:50 Open the application for the first time and add a car 13:40 Connect the device to the car 15:03 Pairing with the device 17:00 Checking the engine light 18:18 The result of the car examination and explaining some errors 20:09 Programming the engine light and turning it off 22:24 How to clear codes 23:33 Explanation of the P1000 code 24:36 Reading data from the car 27:05 Disconnecting the pairing 27:24 Leaving the device connected to the car 27:50 Leaving the device in the car 28:24 Conclusion