Hello, I'm Juliana Postres, I invite you now to my FREE webinar!! ???????? I will teach you my best pastry techniques to highlight the beauty and flavor of your recipes and turn your talent into a profitable business from home. Register as soon as possible here! ???? https://tallerjulianaalvarez.com/mast... #cookies #galletas #mantequilla This cookie recipe is also called cutting cookies, special for cutting into the desired shapes and giving them different flavors. The amount of cookies that come out of this recipe depends on the size you cut them. They have a shelf life of 5 days at room temperature or refrigerated for 12 days. Always store covered to prevent moisture from the environment from entering and damaging them. ???????????????? FOR THE COOKIES 250 grams of flour 125 grams of butter 125 grams of powdered sugar 1 egg Vanilla essence to taste FOR THE CINNAMON FILLING 50 grams of butter 50 grams of brown sugar 1 tablespoon of ground cinnamon ✏️????To find out about our totally live virtual courses or diplomas - WHATSAPP ☎️: +57 3003045678 COLOMBIA email ???? [email protected] ▶️FOLLOW ME ON FACEBOOK: https://m.facebook.com/JulianaAlvarez... ▶️FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/julianapostres?... ▶️SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL: / julicook100 RECOMMENDED VIDEOS: ⭐️ HOW TO MAKE PERFECT BUTTER CREAM ▶️ • HOW TO MAKE PERFECT BUTTER CREAM ????????MUSIC: https://www.bensound.com/