In an unexpected twist, 343 Industries, now known as Halo Studios, released yesterday a look at what they've been working on for the past couple of years. The Foundry project is the first step towards a new chapter in the franchise, with multiple games in production right now. New studio head Pierre Hintze along with artists and developers are opening up to the public for the first time like 343i never has before, explaining in detail what we can expect from their time as the new faces of the studio. The stream with Katarn and Bloodmetal will be at this link: https://kick.com/bloodmetal Link with job offers at Halo Studios: https://jobs.careers.microsoft.com/gl... Video talking about the remake in depth: • Everything we know about the NEW REMAKE ... Script: @LennoxParsec Narration: @bloodmetal117 Editing: @Beansito@TomasRaven1 @bloodmetal117 ---- Social networks ---- Twitter: https://bit.ly/3USeuoo Instagram: https://bit.ly/3wlegg9 Facebook: https://bit.ly/4buT4mI We also do streams at: https://bit.ly/3UiIk2Y #Halo #HaloStudios #343industries