Wilfried Butzki cracks safes, completely legally. When a safe no longer opens, a key is misplaced or a code is forgotten, he is called. To open the safe, he needs an endoscope like the one used in medicine to get images of the inside. He also has a box full of unique keys that are not normally available for purchase. With these, he can open almost any lock. In his warehouse in the Schaumburg district of Lower Saxony, there are lots of safes and ATMs from previous operations. The new electronic and old mechanical security cabinets are stacked up to the ceiling. The differences are huge. But Butzki knows how to open almost every cabinet. One of the safe expert's main locations is banks. When branches close forever, he has to get the heavy security cabinets and ATMs out of the branches. Not an easy job, because some safes weigh more than three tons. And night safes are sometimes firmly embedded in the walls. Wilfried Butzki arrives on the scene with his team and a special truck. In addition, Wilfried Butzki is called to the bank branches even when criminal gangs have tried to blow up an ATM. The Nordreportage accompanies Wilfried Butzki and his colleagues as they open safes, shows ATMs that have been blown up and is there when the experts transport security cabinets weighing tons. More information: https://www.ndr.de/fernsehen/sendunge... First broadcast: February 1, 2022 #ndr #doku #tresore