⭐️ all about EBAC at the link http://bit.ly/3kLYKDO and my coupon breno200 ⭐️ after the video of foreign nepobabies, it is NECESSARY to talk about Brazilian nepobabies! remembering that nepobaby literally translates to: “baby of nepotism” who was born with a life of his own and, if he follows the professional path of his parents, does so with much more ease than us mere mortals. It is important to highlight that we are going to talk about nepobabies in entertainment, because, from my own experience, it is a very difficult area to start from scratch. Did you want to be a nepobaby? Too much, am I? NO! (but there is a solution) ✨ instagram, twitter and tiktok: @brenomoreru ✨ ???? to become an enzo and valentina ~CRISTAL PREMIUM~ you can subscribe to moreruflix and have access to a lot of emoji, medals, telegram group, choose videos of the month and highlighted comments on the videos, just click here: / @brenomoreru ???? there is also a podcast, 3 amigas and 1 traveling podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/4uzywTW... #nepobaby #brasil #tierlist