What are the main mistakes when installing flexible tiles? This question is answered by the head of the product line of Docke, Mikhail. Go to the website about the Savvino house: ❤ https://dom-savvino.ru/ All videos on the Savvino project: • SAVVINO project OUR OTHER PROJECTS: Sumarokovo house: ???? https://dom-sumarokovo.ru/ Zagoryanka house: ???? https://dom-zagoryanka.ru/ ------------------------------ LaifProject - LaifHouse - LaifStyle ------------------------------ ⇒ Our team of professionals is engaged in the construction of houses from aerated concrete in the Moscow region. + 7 (495) 175-39-80 ☎ Call, we don't charge for consultation) IF YOU CAN'T GET THROUGH - WRITE ON WHATSAPP https://wa.me/74951753980 OR VIA YOUTUBE. WE WILL ANSWER EVERYONE!! We have a busy schedule! Please call in advance! ⇒ Our website on the Internet: https://laifhouse.ru ⇒ Our VK community: https://vk.com/public213410841 ⇒ Our Yandex Zen channel: https://zen.yandex.ru/id/6242d9ea0914... ⇒ Our Instagram page: / laif.house ⇒ Our second YouTube channel in the LAIFstyle style: / @laifstyle Link to this video: • Mistakes during installation of flexible tiles #laifhouse