Continuing the history of Kharkiv psychiatry, we could not ignore this event. Today's issue is devoted to a tragic period in the history of Kharkiv. And the heroes who saved others were saved as best they could. To the heroes who gave us the memory of that event. European Radiological Center Medical Center No. 1: Saltivske Shosse, 266-G. City Clinical Hospital No. 8 (cardiology). Medical Center No. 2: Saltivske Shosse, 266. City Clinical Hospital No. 7 (neurology). Medical Center No. 3: str. Darwin, 8/10. City student hospital. Medical Center No. 4: str. Balakireva, 3-A. City clinical hospital for urgent and emergency care. Medical Center No. 5: str. 153, Poltavasky Shlach. City Polyclinic No. 24. You can find out information about our services on the website and by calling https://radiologycenter.eu +38 (099) 915-10-40; +38 (057) 757-20-29 Follow us on social networks: / erckharko. . / european_ra. . #Диагностика #Европейский радиологический центр #МРТХарьков #КТХарьков #УЗИХарьков